Monday, May 26, 2008

Memorial Day

I remember two wars in my lifetime. The second gulf war and the war in Iraq. There is not much before that I just have read about in books or hear about from veterans that are patients.

I remember when Steven was in Iraq and how it made me so proud to be mother. I mean... do people realize this boy went to Iraq? He was there? I know my family appreciates him.....they say it all the time. Michael even sent him a goody package while he was there. ( Michael is quietly awesome... without the hoopla.... the nicest and most generous man I know)

I am opposed to war as a whole...or should I say the death of our youth, however I fully support this countrys boys and girls that are in the middle east, it doesn't seem they are fighting for OUR country... because daily we do not see or hear of the harshness of the war over there( like in WWI and WWII.... but really they are there to grab a future free from terrorism for little Ellie and Brynn and JoJo.

I do hope for a peaceful solution....

as anyone else does....

....Happy Memorial Day....


Vicki said...

I've always been proud of my "P"
: )

Vicki said...

Always been proud of my Michael too!