Thursday, September 11, 2008


I remember the morning so vividly...

It was amazingly sad...

where were you?


Vince said...

It was a school day, I was getting ready and mom had the TV on about some airplane crashing into these two important buildings that I had never really heard of. Went to school(Comstock) and thats all anyone was talking about and some of the teachers even had the news on while we had class. Major vivid memory, I think for anyone....There was an ad in ASU's paper yesterday how you could win a bunch of money if you sit and watch all these videos about how it was all a stunt show and the government set it up and they blew it all up on purpose...such bullshit, why would they do that and kill all the people and affect thousands of families lives

Vicki said...

I was asleep, and Mary called me horrified, so I turned on the tv in time to see the second plane hit. The one in Pennsylvania was still in the air.
I think the Pentagon had been hit already too. What a terrifying time.

Valerie said...

I was in bed and Mom called and asked if I was watching the news. So I turned it on, and it stayed on for about a week.