Wednesday, August 27, 2008

memories are like fingerprints

Let me explain. I have several memories that have altered my life....mostly great... a couple bad, but I have realized these memories have imprinted themselves on my mind like a fingerprint. It makes me who I am...

this is the funny part. The way I remember it is the fingerprint. Because I could have been in the same room during the same event as Michael , Gina or Val and each one of us has a different rendition. A different vantage point per say.

It just proves our memories are just a perspective. so.... follow me people...

If I choose to remember something in a particular way, without asking for other perspectives..... is my memory correct? and if I am not correct, am I who I should be? WEIRD!


Vicki said...

excellent question. A memory is always subjective, and the memories help to make us who we are.
Lots of times, as a kid, we don't have the whole story, but we are always the main character in any memory.
So, our perceptions are correct to us.
So, to answer you question: I dunno?
: )

Vince said...

i think the answer is that your memory is correct for you, however, memories can be changed over the years as well and we remember something that never even i think trusting your memory may not always be the best thing to do

Valerie said...

Is this something recent or far past?

Mary said...

either Val...

I am wandering if my perspective is valid...

Vicki said...

wandering or wondering?
Your perspective is just that.